Configuring flooding zone control
364 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
'Programmable input'
Assignment of causes for a freely selectable state which is then displayed on the
extinguishing terminal with an LED.
In the corresponding LED element of the extinguishing terminal, a 'Local event'
element must be created in the 'Operation tree' with the 'Programmable input
activated' template. You will find more information on this in chapter ''Local event'
'Confirmation before
Assignment of causes for determining the activation confirmation for the
'Confirmation before release' state. This could be a switch provided especially for
the activation confirmation, for example, which is connected to a collective input
on the extinguishing card.
This functionality is intended for systems for which the triggering of the
extinguishing agent flow needs to be confirmed explicitly by a separate input
signal after the pre-warning time has elapsed. This can be carried out as follows:
Operating personnel manually actuate a switch intended for this purpose. To
do this, an input must be assigned to the extinguishing card with the causes
function with which such a switch is wired.
Automatic confirmation from a switch or sensor which, for example, confirms a
defined flooding zone state. The input signal of this state is used as a
activation confirmation. For use in a gas turbine, this can be a switch, for
example, which transmits a signal indicating that the gas supply to the turbine
is sealed.
'Fault -> 'Block autom.
Assignment of causes for which the system switches automatically into the 'Block
automatic release' operation mode in the event of an error. This error handling
function is intended for causes which are not connected to the extinguishing card
directly, such as 'Fire controls'.
The error behavior of causes, which are connected to the extinguishing card
directly, can be configured in the 'Details' tab of the relevant 'Causes' function.
'Fault -> 'Block
autom.+man. release''
Assignment of causes for which the system switches automatically into the 'Block
aumanual release' operation mode in the event of an error. This error
handling function is intended for causes which are not connected to the
extinguishing card directly, such as 'Fire controls'.
The error behavior of causes, which are connected to the extinguishing card
directly, can be configured in the 'Details' tab of the relevant 'Causes' function.
'Fault -> 'No blocking''
Assignment of causes for which the system does not explicitly trigger the blocking
of the automatic or manual activation of extinguishing in the event of an error.
This error handling function is intended for causes which are not connected to the
extinguishing card directly, such as 'Fire controls'.
The error behavior of causes, which are connected to the extinguishing card
directly, can be configured in the 'Details' tab of the relevant 'Causes' function.
'Auxiliary function off'
Assignment of causes where the site issues the isolation of system part that is not
part of the extinguishing. These are, for example, control isolations within the 'Fire
control group' element.