'Control' task card
Evac control group
223 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
'Prioritized voice evac control' – 'Causes' elements – parameters in
the 'Overview' tab
The parameters described below are not available or cannot be configured in
every 'Causes' element.
Numerical input field
Parameter values: 1...8
Adjustment range: 2...5
The parameter defines the priority with which a
causes function is activated.
Information: The priority is predefined for certain
causes functions and cannot be adjusted. In this
case, the number in the input field is grayed out.
'Effects are 'Alarm devices'
if activated by this cause
The parameter defines whether the devices activated
by this causes function are alarm devices or not.
If the parameter is activated, the devices in question
are alarm devices. In the event of activation, the LED
'Alarm device Active' on the PMI is activated and the
assigned devices can be muted on the PMI. In the
event of an error or an isolation, the corresponding
LED flashes or is permanently lit up under 'Alarm
If the parameter is not activated, then the assigned
devices perform control functions. In the event of
activation, the LED 'Control function Active' on the
PMI is activated. In the event of an error or an
isolation, the corresponding LED flashes or is
permanently lit up under 'Control function'.
'STOP mode'
The parameter determines how the causes function
is deactivated.
The following options can be configured:
'No automatic deactivation'
The causes function cannot be automatically
deactivated. The deactivation process must be
performed manually.
'All causes inactive'
The causes function is automatically deactivated
when all configured causes for activation have
been eliminated.
'Activation delay'
Input field for time period
Adjustment range: 0...30
Increments: 1 sec
The parameter determines the length of the
activation delay for the causes function when the
activation conditions are met.
The parameter determines a defined time period.
Once this period has elapsed, the causes function is
automatically deactivated again, even if at least one
activation condition is still met.
The time period starts to run as soon as the system
activates the control.
'Activation timeout'
Input field for time period
Adjustment range: 1...30
Increments: 1 sec