NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
Figure 10.82: Relationship between Wave Height and Wind Speed
Both wind speed and wave height are indicated in values set by the
operator in “Units” page of “Param” window.
Plot and cross time refresh is carried out not continually. The operator
should change value of any parameter (heading, wind, current direction,
etc.) and apply it, then the plot and data are being refreshed.
Selection of Hypothetic TAL Mode
To select a TAL mode:
– press
softkey located under the TAL mode name;
– select a desired TAL mode in the opened dialog box (see Figure 10.83).
Figure 10.83: TAL Mode Selection Dialog Box
Consequence Analysis
The consequence analysis is performed to determine whether the vessel is able to maintain its position if a single or
group failure occurs.
Possible consequences are based on the actual environmental disturbances, enabled thrusters and power plant (gener-
ators, circuit breakers, tie breakers) status.
Typical worst-case single failures are:
– Thruster failure;
– Power component failure;
– Circuit breaker/tie breaker failure.
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”