NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
– thruster softkey (see Section 6.1.1, page 101)
– thruster state indicator (see Section 6.2.1, page 111)
The actuator symbol (Figure 6.15), located in the Auto Thruster Window, shows the actual rudder angle.
Figure 6.15: Actuator symbol
which shows the demand (green) and actual (yellow) angle values.
For this thruster,
NAVIS NavDP 4000
controls the thrust itself.
The bar graph (Figure 6.16), located in the Auto Thruster Window, shows the actual thrust (yellow), as well as the
thrust demand (green).
shows the thrust limit which has been set in the Thrust Page for this thruster.
Figure 6.16: Propeller bar graph
The thrust is given in % to maximum.
Azimuth Thruster
For this thruster,
NAVIS NavDP 4000
controls the thrust direction (azimuth) as well as the thrust itself. The thruster
symbol (Figur 6.17), located in the Auto Thruster Window, shows the desired and actual thrust direction.
Figure 6.17: Thrust direction
The bar graph (Figure 6.18)shows the actual thrust (yellow) as well as the thrust demand (green).Pointer
shows the
thrust limit which has been set in the Thrust Page for this thruster.
Some configurations have the following azimuth thruster symbols: Figure 6.19, Figure 6.20.
The thrust is given in % to maximum, angle is given in degrees.
Prohibited sectors are shown as gray sectors, see Section 6.3.1, page 118 for details.
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”