NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
Generator is driven by a diesel engine
If a generator is driven by a diesel engine, and there is no extra load on the diesel engine, the information about the
generator is displayed as shown in Figure 6.38
Figure 6.38: Generator on scheme
which includes:
– round indicator with the generator short name. It’s color coded. White color means that the generator is connected
to a bus, otherwise the color is grey.
– circuit breaker indicator. If the generator is connected to a bus the circuit breaker is displayed closed; otherwise it
is displayed open.
– generator power numeric indicator
– generator power bar indicator that shows the current produced power as a percentage of the maximum available
– limit on the power demand (limit on the command signal) from the DP control system. This limit is set in Power-
Limits page of Param window.
shows the power limit which has been set in the Param window.
If the diesel engine can run a FiFi pump, it is displayed as shown in Figure 6.39.
Figure 6.39: FiFi pump on scheme
– Fi-Fi pump indicator is white-colored if the Fi-Fi pump is connected otherwise it is grey-colored.
– the generator round indicator becomes yellow-colored, if a Fi-Fi pump connected causes the power limitation on
the generator from the DP control system (i.e. the DP control system automatically reduces the maximum available
power for this generator).
– the other generator indicators are yellow as well if this power limitation is applied to all the generators connected
to the same bus (even if some of them are not driving Fi-Fi pumps) and the message “Limited by FiFi” is displayed
below the bus symbol (Figure 6.40).
Figure 6.40: Message “Limited by FiFi”
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”