NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
Position 5.
The ship has crossed the circle of operation. It starts moving. The target is moving forward.
In addition to the mode for position control mode “target following” you can select the heading control mode for
following the target (TARGET softkey on HDG panel) (see Figure 10.21). This softkey is available only if the Target
Following position control mode is activated. In this case the vessel heading setpoint will be considered as the sum of
target course and preset offset.
Figure 10.21: Heading Control Mode “Target”
For example, if the zero offset is set, a vessel heading setpoint will be equal to a target course. If 20 degrees are set
for the offset, the heading setpoint will be equal to target course plus 20 degrees.
When following the target it’s not allowed to change the target list and change over from SingleTarget to MultiTarget
mode and vice versa. When trying to take these actions the following alarm will be generated “Can not change target
settings in target following mode.”
Figure 10.22: Map View, the relative bearing is to the target
In the Figure 10.22 the offset is set by 100m from the target, the relative bearing is to the target (zero offset).
In the Figure 10.23 the vessel is within the yellow circle, the target is in the green circle, th relative bearing is to the
target. Control goal is achieved, then the vessel will follow the target.
The same situation is displayed in the Figure 10.24 but the reaction radius is increased.
If it’s impossible to follow the target (if Target processing status indicator grey-colored) another position control mode
will be selected automatically (AUTO POS, if it possible, and MANUAL POS otherwise).
Target Operation. Multi Target Following Mode
Two targets are selected in this mode: Tgt#1 and Tgt#2 where Tgt#1 defines the target position and Tgt#2 — the target
direction. It means that the vessel will follow Tgt#1 keeping the direction to Tgt#2 (see figure 10.26).
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”