Data Logging
The default status is “Off”.
To change the status:
– press “Change” softkey. The value of the entry field will be changed to “On” (“Off”);
– press “Apply” softkey to approve the command.
If you do not want to change the status, press either “Change” softkey again or “Cancel” softkey to cancel the
The system starts a new record interval with the every status change.
In case
NAVIS NavDP 4000
system is restarting, the local recorder status depends on DLS availability:
– in case DLS is available, the local recorder status is “Off”.
– in case DLS is unavailable, the status is the same as the one before restarting.
In case DLS records data (local logging is off),
symbol is displayed near the vessel name in the Status line (see
figure H.5).
Figure H.5: The Status line in case DLS recording is on
In case both recorders (DLS and local recorder) are on, two
symbols are displayed near the vessel name in the
Status line (see figure H.6).
Figure H.6: The Status line in case both DLS and local recording is on
In case DLS is disconnected,
red symbol is displayed near the vessel name in the Status line.
In case DLS is not installed and local logging is on,
olive symbol is displayed near the vessel name in the Status
Data Set Record Modes
Data set record mode is displayed in the “Data Set” field.
There are two modes to record data sets:
— an incidents analysis;
— a data retrieval to provide remote services.
To change the record mode:
– press “Change” softkey. The value of the entry field will be changed to “Full” (“Standard”);
– press “Apply” softkey to approve the command.
If you do not want to change the status, press either “Change” softkey again or “Cancel” softkey to cancel the
The selected mode persists after
NAVIS NavDP 4000
Current Log Area
“Current Log” area of the Logging tab contains information about the current record.
In case the record is off the “Current Log” area is empty.
In case local logging is off, the DLS information is displayed (see figure H.2).
In case the record is performed by both DLS and local recorder, the local recorder information is displayed (see figure
The area contains three strings:
— displays information for the current record;
— displays current record duration and record mode value;
— displays current record label (if any).
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”