NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
if the filter is in prediction mode and there was no any correct data for a long time or the data for the vessel
heading are doubtful (see Gyro processing results status)
– the filter has never been started up
– number of activated targets is insufficient
– filter status indicator of any target is red-colored
TGT Following state:
Not Active
— Target following is not active
— Target following in process
— Vessel reachs the target radius
Target Graph
Press Graph softkey in the softkey group to display the graphs at the bottom of the Target window instead of the
Target plot. Graphs can be configured in the same way. These graphs allow an operator to estimate the history of the
target on-line position.
Target Operation. Single Target Following Mode
Single target is selected in this mode.
Figure 10.18: Single Target Following Mode: Coordinate Systems
Enter the Target Following mode by pressing TARGET softkey on POS panel.
TARGET softkey is available if the target processing status indicator is not grey-colored. Target Following mode is not
recommended in case the target processing status indicator is red-colored however this mode is available and TARGET
softkey is red-colored.
The dialog box appears just after pressing TARGET softkey that allows you to enter relative or absolute offset (target
coordinates in vessel coordinate system). It means that the vessel should follow the target within the preset range.
Yellow circles is drawn on the Map - within which the target can be moved.
For example, if the target must be offset by 100m to the south of the vessel, the yellow circle will be drawn at the
distance of 100m to the south of the vessel within which the target must be located.
Reaction radius (circle radius) is set in TGT page of Param window.
The vessel moves when the target is beyond the Reaction radius and stops when the vessel enters Stop Radius. Stop
Radius is usually 70% of the reaction radius (the values are set in Param window)
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”