NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
Class DP-2 System Configuration
NAVIS NavDP 4000
of IMO Class DP-2 is a redundant DP control system that contains the
NAVIS NavDP 4002
IJ control station and two DP control stations
NAVIS NavDP 4022
: main (DP-A) and backup (DP-B).
NAVIS NavDP 4022
is designed to operate the distributed I/O system via the redundant data communication link
(redundant DP network). This communication link provides communication between the main and backup control units.
The system contains the following sensors:
– Gyro — 3
– DGPS — 2
– Wind — 3
– VRS — 3
– HPR — 1
– LR — 1
All sensors are connected both to the main and to the backup junction boxes. Some of them (e.g. Gyro, DGPS, Wind)
are also connected to the IJ junction box.
NAVIS NavDP 4022
is designed so that no single failure of any unit should result in case of loss of the remaining
equipment’s ability to maintain a vessel position.
NAVIS NavDP 4000
typical hardware configuration for IMO Class DP-2 System is presented in Figure 2.3.
Each thruster is connected to the control unit via the own I/O unit.
NAVIS NavDP 4002
system uses an individual bus to communicate with the I/O units. The main and backup
systems use the shared one.
Each of the control systems (IJ, DP-A and DP-B) can be switched on and off independently of each other. Con-
trol transfer between the
NAVIS NavDP 4022
NAVIS NavDP 4002
is performed manually by means of the Mode
Control transfer between DP-A and DP-B control systems can be performed manually by the operator (using control
panel — see Section 2.6, page 37), or automatically in case of failure.
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”