Data Logging
– Message Type – the next 3 characters (according to NMEA standard).
– Sending from only Master station (default value) or from both stations (Master & Slave).
– Transmission interval (is configured according to external requirements, the default value is 1.0 sec).
This parameter is used for all message types, excluding Alarm messages (ALA, ALR). In this case the message will
be sent when the alarm is generated.
Some messages additionally contain special parameters. For example, Alarm messages contain intervals for sending a
complete alarm list with specifying its status.
Other message fields depend on message type and operation/control modes.
Detailed description of VDR message fields see in Appendix D.3, page 291.
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”