6. Event Notification > Interrupt Notifications
Tsi578 User Manual
June 6, 2016
Integrated Device Technology
Interrupt Notification and Port-writes
In the Tsi578, all RapidIO ports can also generate port-write messages based on interrupt events.
Because of this architecture, the RapidIO interrupt enables also control whether a port-write message is
issued for each interrupt. In each port the register bit IRQ_EN in
“RapidIO Port x Control Independent
controls whether any enabled interrupts are propagated to the
to generate an interrupt. If the IRQ_EN bit is disabled, no interrupt
“Global Interrupt Status Register” on page 388
register from this port.
The IRQ_EN does not control port-write generation. Port-write generation is controlled by the
PW_DIS bit in the
“RapidIO Port x Mode CSR” on page 310
Reset Control Symbol and Interrupt Handling
Reception of a valid reset control symbol sequence is a port specific feature that has separate indicator
bits to allow for faster interrupt handling.