5. Multicast > Multicast Group Tables
Tsi578 User Manual
June 6, 2016
Integrated Device Technology
Verify that port 6 is included in mask 2
Write the value 0x0002_0600 to the Multicast Mask Configuration Register
Read the value 0x0002_0601 from the Multicast Mask Configuration Register
Verify that port 7 is included in mask 2
Write the value 0x0002_0700 to the Multicast Mask Configuration Register
Read the value 0x0002_0701 from the Multicast Mask Configuration Register
Removing a Destination ID to Multicast Mask Association
In this example, assume packets to destination ID 0xFF02 on port 4 should no longer be allowed to
multicast to all nodes (multicast mask 2). To remove destination ID 0xFF02 from being associated with
multicast mask 2, the following register accesses need to be performed in order.
Set up the operation to remove the association between destination ID 0xFF02 and
multicast mask 2.
— Write the value 0xFF02_0002 to the
“RapidIO Multicast DestID Configuration Register”
Remove the association between destination ID 0xFF02 and multicast mask 2.
— Write the value 0x0000_00C0 to the
“RapidIO Multicast DestID Association Register”
Configuring Multicast Masks Using the IDT Specific Registers
The Tsi578 also has a device specific implementation to configuring the multicast masks. This
implementation allows the direct writing of configuration information into the multicast group and
vector tables a through the
“RapidIO Multicast Write Mask x Register” on page 318
and the
Multicast Write ID x Register” on page 317
. The use of these two registers permits the direct writing of
configuration information into the multicast group and vector tables.
Eight registers contain the association between a destinationID and the Multicast Mask number, and
eight registers contain the association between the Multicast egress port vector table and the Multicast
illustrates the table architecture and the association between the registers and bit fields.
When CMD value 0b10 is written (which indicates Remove Associations), then the
ASSOC_PRESENT and INGRESS_PORT fields are ignored.
The method described in this section is a Tsi578-specific implementation. The
implementation described in
“Configuring Multicast Masks” on page 113
conforms to the
RapidIO Interconnect Specification (Revision 1.3)
In a closed architecture embedded system, IDT recommends the use of the IDT-specific
implementation. However, in an open architecture system the use of the RapidIO compliant
register set is recommended. The RapidIO compliant register allows the re-use of switch
device independent drivers.