Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 188
1. Table confi guration fi les must have the extension ‘.uht’
2. The fi rst line must be: HEADER,ETHERNET_IP_SERVER,1
3 Subsequent lines may be comments (preceded with a # character and terminated with a Carriage return)
or a confi guration item in the <point type>.<point number>.<suffi x> as described in ‘Table Entry’ above.
The wizard offers a quick and easy way of loading the Input Table by touching the required point param-
eters and then entering start and end values for the range of points to be included. For current software,
the Output table is not editable, so any changes made in the Wizard are ignored.
Figure 4.3.21c Input table wizard
Point Type
Process Value
Point Status
Span High
Span Low
Decimal Places
Start New table
From Point
To point
EtherNet/IP Input Table Wizard
Touch (tick) items to include
them in the Input Table
Enter point range
Tick (default) to replace current list.
to append items to existing list.
Point Type
Select ‘Channel’ or ‘Math’ for confi guration. The ‘Confi gure’ key must be operated
before changing from ‘Channel’ to ‘Math’ or vice-versa, as only the confi guration for
the currently displayed Point Type (i.e. Channel or Math) is saved to the Input table.
Process Value
Select to include Process Value
Point Status
Select to include Point Status (not supported for channels 76 to 100)
Span High
Select to include Span High (not supported for channels 76 to 100)
Span Low
Select to include Span Low (not supported for channels 76 to 100)
Decimal Places
Select to include the points’ decimal places values (not supported for channels. 76 to
Start New Table
If ticked (default), the existing list is deleted and replaced by the Wizard items when
‘confi gure’ is operated. If not ticked, the selected items are appended to the existing
table, using any empty spaces. If there are no spaces, the new entries are ignored.
If there are insuffi cient spaces, the available spaces are fi lled using lowest channel
numbers fi rst, and any overfl ow is lost.
From point
Enter the number of the fi rst point of the required point range. This value must be
lower than the ‘To point’ value.
To point
Enter the number of the fi nal point of the required point range This value must be
higher than the ‘From point’ value..
1. The point range is the same for all parameters selected, and the points are contiguous. In
order to select non-contiguous points, or to enter different ranges for different point types, it
is necessary to confi gure each required range separately and operate the ‘Confi gure’ key after
each range, ensuring that the ‘Start New Table’ selection is not ticked.
2. If any parameter other than ‘Process Value’ is selected for any channel in the range 76 to 100,
the selection will be accepted, but the values returned will be meaningless.