Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 259
Edit level
Allows Basic or Advanced edit level to be selected for further use.
Component info on screen
Enabling this box causes a component description to appear at the top left corner
of each component. This description is in the form: Identifi er(X,Y)+[∂X,∂Y], where X
and Y defi nes the top left corner position in pixels, and ∂X and ∂Y are the width and
height of the component in pixels. The identifi er is the component name as appears
in the Identifi er fi eld of the Component Property Editor page.
Quick entry to edit If selected, this function allows direct entry from the user screen being edited to the
Component Property editor page, without the options menu fi rst appearing offering
the choice of ‘Batch’ or ‘Edit Screen’.
If Quick entry is selected, the option menu does not appear when the option key is
touched. The Batch status page can be called by touching the ‘Page Name’ area at
the top of the screen, as an alternative to the option menu. Quick entry has no effect
on screens other than user screens.
Use Last properties If selected, then all the common attributes (e.g. position, size, colours etc.) of the
most recently edited object are applied to the next component to be added.
Positioning Grid
Causes a grid to appear on the ‘Goto canvas’ screen to help in component layout
Positioning tip
If enabled, then hovering over the highlighted item in a ‘goto Canvas’ screen causes
the coordinates of the top left corner of the component to appear, in whatever units
(%, pixels etc.) are selected for the component. The fi rst number gives the ‘X’ (left-
right) co-ordinate; the second gives the ‘Y’ (up-down) position.
Clicking the left mouse key within a component causes the coordinates of the top left
corner of the component to appear, in whatever units (%, pixels etc.) are selected for
the component.
Clicking the left mouse key outside a component, shows the co-ordinates of the
mouse cursor tip. To see these co-ordinates within a component, the mouse must be
click-dragged from outside the component.