Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 156
4.3.16 MASTER COMMS (Cont.)
If this window is not selected, none of the following fi elds appears, and the Remote
Device cannot be accessed.
If enabled, normal communications with the slave are carried out. When disabled,
the connection with the slave is terminated.
Allows a new name for the slave device to be entered. (This name is used only within
the master - it does not overwrite the Instrument Descriptor in the slave itself).
Select Ethernet or a Serial port. All the slaves on the link must have the same com-
munications parameter values (e.g. Baud Rate) as are set for the master. See
for Serial Communications Confi guration details.
Note: Serial ports appear in the selection list only if ‘Protocol’ has been set to ‘Modbus Master’ in
the Serial Comms Confi guration (
section 4.3.15
IP Address
This fi eld appears only if Network = Ethernet. This must match the IP address or DNS
name of the slave. For this unit, this information is to be found in Network/Address
and Network/Name respectively. For other instruments, refer to the documentation
supplied with those instruments.
Modbus Address For Ethernet links, Modbus addresses are associated with the IP address. This
means that, for any IP address, the range of Modbus addresses used for slaves can (if
required) be the same as the range used by a unit with a different IP address.
For Serial communications, each unit (including the master) must have a unique Mod-
bus address.
For the unit described by this manual, the Modbus address is accessed in ‘Instru-
ment’ confi guration (
section 4.3.1
). For other instrument the documentation sup-
plied with those instruments should be referred to.
Profi le
A pick list of supported instrument types. Third party is used as a default, and for
non-listed instrument types. This fi eld is updated automatically if the slave is De-
tected. (If an instrument is detected and is confi gured to use more than 100 math
channels in the slave instrument - see
section 4.3.22
Allows a timeout period to be set for the read/write process. See ‘Retry’ below, and
‘Disable Retries’ in
section 4.3.17
Allows entry of the number of times the master attempts to get a response from the
slave, before aborting. If not successful, an error message appears.
Max Block size
Always 124 for supported instruments, this fi eld is editable for ‘Third party’ instru-
ments. The maximum block length supported by a particular instrument is found
from that instrument’s documentation.
Share Socket
This item appears only for slaves with Network = Ethernet.
When enabled, allows a reduction in the number of links between a master and
multiple slaves. See ‘Share Socket’, below for more details. Generally, it is recom-
mended that this item is left at the default for the particular slave being confi gured.
Login Required
Some slaves require a user name and password to be entered before access can be
gained. The user name and password set here in the master Comms confi guration
must match those of the slave.
For this type of instrument, the user name is the ‘Remote user name’ and the pass-
word is the ‘Remote password’ set up in the Security/Access confi guration (
). Password is necessary only when Modbus security disabled is not selected in
‘Instrument’ confi guration (
section 4.3.1
). For other types of instrument, refer to the
documentation supplied with that instrument.
Username/ Password See Login Required, immediately above
This button causes the master to search for the slave set up on this confi guration page. If the search is
successful, the Remote Device name changes to the instrument name or default tag.