Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 40
3.4.3 Circular Trend
This allows up to 12 points to be traced as though on a circular chart. More than 12 points can be in-
cluded in the group, but only the fi rst 12 traces and their associated faceplates are included in the real-
time display. Entering Trend History mode (by using the Options button or by continuously touching the
screen for a few seconds), allows all the points to be reviewed, but only in vertical trend history mode,
described in
section 3.4
For large frame recorders, two alternative views called ‘Full Screen’ and ‘Normal View’ are available and
are toggled between by means of a push-button key near the top left corner of the screen. In each case,
faceplates can be displayed, or not, as required, using the Option key ‘Faceplates On/Off’ selection. The
diameter of the chart is independent of faceplate on/off selection. When quitting History, Normal view
is always returned to. Small frame recorders use only ‘full screen’ view, (except when viewed via Bridge
software when the small frame recorder behaves in the same way as the large frame recorder).
Notes Alarm icons (
section 3
) do not appear on circular trend scales.
The way in which traces are laid down on the chart depends on the action to be taken when the chart is
‘full’, as set up in group confi guration - section 4.3.2. The user can select ‘Rotate’ or ‘New Chart’.
In the following description, the word ‘segment’ is used interchangeably with ‘Major chart division’. The
number of Major chart divisions is a function of the selected chart speed, as described in Group Confi gu-
ration (
section 4.3.2
With ‘Rotate’ selected, the traces start one major chart division anti-clockwise from the top of the chart
and trace clockwise until they reach the top of the chart (‘12 o’clock’). At this point, the chart, complete
with time stamps and traces, rotates one major chart division anticlockwise, and the tracing process con-
tinues. When the chart is ‘full’, the oldest segment-full of tracing is removed, leaving an empty segment
to be traced-on when the chart rotates.
Figures 3.4.3b and 3.4.3c, below show Circular trending in ‘Rotate’ mode.
With ‘New Chart’ selected, tracing starts at top of the chart (12 o’clock) and continue to trace clockwise
round the chart, back up to the vertical. When the chart is full, it is cleared, new timestamps are dis-
played, and tracing restarts from the top of the chart.
The start time of the tracing can be set as a part (‘Start at’) of group confi guration, the choices available
depending on the time per revolution setting. The start time is placed at top centre of the chart, and
‘backfi lled’, clockwise, round to the current time.
Figure 3.4.3a, below, shows New Chart mode.
Note: The use of ‘12 o’clock’ above is intended to be illustrative and only to explain angles in
terms of a normal analogue clock face. It does not mean that this position must actually be noon
or midnight in real time.