User Guide
Page 205
Issue 13 Sep 16
4.4.2 MANAGEMENT (Cont.)
Record logins
For either Auditor option, if this fi eld is enabled, then each time a new login occurs a
message appears, giving the date, time and login name. E.G.
23/08/08 15:32:20 Login by Frederick Bloggs
Logouts are recorded in a similar way - e.g.
23/08/08 15:49:43 Logout by Frederick Bloggs
If the login or logout is via a ‘Bridge’ session (section 6), the IP address of that viewer
appears in the login/logout message - e.g.
23/08/05 15:58:03 Login by (
Login Timout
When set to zero, the login remains valid until changed. For any other value, the user
is logged out after the number of minutes entered here has elapsed since the last
time the screen was touched.
with unapplied changes
This fi eld does not appear if the Login Timeout has been set to zero. For non-zero
time-out values, this allows the user to choose whether
a any unapplied changes are lost when the Login Timeout period has elapsed, or
b the login timeout is ignored if there are any unapplied confi guration changes.
Password Attempts For Active Directory users, this parameter is confi gured at the Active Directory and
the value set at the instrument is ignored.
For other users, this allows the user to limit to three, the number of attempt that can
be made to enter a password. The choices are ‘3 times’ and ‘unlimited’. When set to
3 times, the user login is disabled after three incorrect attempts to enter the pass-
word have been made. A ‘System Message’ appears on the screen and is also sent
to the ‘chart’:
23/08/08 13:20:42 User Frederick Bloggs, login disabled, invalid password
In order to re-enable the login, a user with Engineer access level must deselect
‘Login Disabled’ in the ‘Access’ menu described in
section 4.4.1
, above.
Passwords expire For Active Directory users, this parameter is confi gured at the Active Directory and
the value set at the instrument is ignored.
For other users, this fi eld allows the user to set an expiry period of up to 999 days
which applies to all passwords. The number of days remaining to expiry is shown in
the login page. If set to zero, then the expiry period does not apply.
Note: All required passwords MUST be changed within this number of days or all logins will be
disabled In this situation, the confi guration of the recorder will be available only to those with
Service Level access and in most cases, a call will have to be made to the recorder supplier or serv-
ice agency. (But see ‘Password Change on Expiry’, below)
Minimum Password Length
For Active Directory users, this parameter is confi gured at the Active Directory and
the value set at the instrument is ignored.
For other users, this allows a minimum length of password to be entered (default =
0; minimum = 3). If an attempt is made to enter a new password with fewer charac-
ters than the minimum, a warning message appears on the screen (Invalid Password
Length) and the new password is ignored. For Active Directory users, the password
must comply with both the minimum length specifi ed here and that specifi ed in Ac-
tive Directory.
Require Signing
If this fi eld is enabled, then changes to the recorder operation, confi guration (or any
other item included in the history fi le) can be made only by those users whose ‘Can
Sign’ permission is enabled in the ‘Access’ menu described in
section 4.4.1
When ‘Apply’ is attempted, a ‘signature’ page appears which requires the entry of
the correct password for the selected user, and of a note which would normally be
used to give the reason for the change.