Issue 13 Sep 16
User Guide
Page 268
Descriptor Font
For Channel Numeric displays only, if Faceplate Style is set to
‘Custom’, then Descriptor Font allows the Channel Descriptor font
to be selected from a picklist.
Display Alarms
For Channel Numeric displays only, if Faceplate Style is set to
‘Custom’, this selection determines whether or not alarm symbols
are displayed in the top right hand corner of the display.
Display Bargraph
If selected, a vertical bargraph is drawn at the right hand edge of
Horizontal Trend displays.
Display Descriptor Enable/Disable
For Channel Numeric displays only, if Faceplate Style is set to
‘Custom’, this selection determines whether or not the channel
descriptor appears at the top of the display.
Display messages
If selected, displays a message bar for Horizontal Trend displays.
Display Pens
If selected, pen representations appear at the top or right edge of
a trend chart.
Display Units
For Channel Numeric displays only, if Faceplate Style is set to ‘Cus-
tom’, this selection determines whether or not the channel’s units
appear at the right edge of the display.
Faceplate Style
Produces a channel display with the descriptor and alarm indica-
tors on the top line and with the digital value, and units on the
bottom line.
Just value
Shows only the channel value
No alarms
As default, but without alarm display
Value and Units
Produces a larger digital display of the channel value, with units.
Single line Faceplate As default, but all on a single line.
The ‘Display Descriptor’, ‘Display units’ and ‘Display Alarms’
checkbox settings, and the font selections for Value, Units and
Descriptor become active only if ‘Custom’ is selected as Faceplate
Faceplates Location Dynamic, N, S, E, W
(Not available for group horizontal bargraph displays.) Allows the
position of the faceplates to be ‘dynamic’ (appears at best position
for the number of channels), or to be located above (North), below
(South), to the right (East) or to the left (West) of the bargraphs.
Also allows faceplates to be turned off altogether. For group
trend displays, these faceplates are in addition to the current-
channel faceplate, which always appears above the ‘chart’ across
the full width of the display, unless turned off using Horizontal
Faceplate disable.
Font style
List of fonts
Picklist holds a number of sizes, plain, bold and underlined bold.
Grid Line colour
Allows a colour to be selected for trend chart gridlines
Horizontal Alignment Left/centred/right
Allows text to be justifi ed relative to its width setting
Horizontal Faceplate Enable/Disable
For vertical trend displays, allows the current-channel faceplate to
be selected on or off.
Horizontal Grid total Default
Number of vertical divisions of a trend chart. If left at default uses
the value entered in Group Confi guration (
section 4.3.2
). Any
other setting overrides Group Confi guration entry.
Pick list content
Table 7.3.2 Advanced edit level parameters (sheet 3 of 6)