Option Name
Current limit
The motor current exceeds the value in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit
Out of current range
The motor current is outside the range set in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit
Below I low
The motor current is lower than the value in
parameter 4-50 Warning Current Low
Above I high
The motor current is higher than the value in
parameter 4-51 Warning Current High
Out of speed range
The speed is outside the range set in
parameter 4-52 Warning Speed Low
parameter 4-53
Warning Speed High
Below speed low
The output speed is lower than the value in
parameter 4-52 Warning Speed Low
Above speed high
The output speed is higher than the value in
parameter 4-53 Warning Speed High
Out of feedack range
The feedback is outside the range set in
parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low
4-57 Warning Feedback High
Below feedback low
The feedback is lower than the limit set in
parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low
Above feedback high The feedback exceeds the limit set in
parameter 4-57 Warning Feedback High
Thermal warning
This operand becomes true when the drive detects any thermal warning, for instance when the
temperature exceeds the limit in the motor, the drive, the brake resistor, or thermistor.
Mains out of range
The mains voltage is outside the specified voltage range.
If a warning is triggered, this operand gets the warning number.
Alarm (trip)
A trip alarm is active.
Alarm (trip lock)
A trip lock alarm is active.
Bus OK
Active communication (no timeout) via the serial communication port.
Torque limit & stop
If the drive has received a stop signal and is at the torque limit, the signal is logic 0.
Brake fault (IGBT)
The brake IGBT is short-circuited.
Mech. brake control
The mechanical brake is active.
Safe stop active
Comparator 0
The result of comparator 0.
Comparator 1
The result of comparator 1.
Comparator 2
The result of comparator 2.
Comparator 3
The result of comparator 3.
Comparator 4
The result of comparator 4.
Comparator 5
The result of comparator 5.
Logic rule 0
The result of logic rule 0.
Logic rule 1
The result of logic rule 1.
Logic rule 2
The result of logic rule 2.
Logic rule 3
The result of logic rule 3.
Logic rule 4
The result of logic rule 4.
AU373327181955en-000101 / 130R1208 | 237
Danfoss A/S © 2021.08
Parameter Descriptions
VLT® AutomationDrive EZ FC 321
Programming Guide