Option Name
In power lim. mot.
In power lim. gen.
In power limit
Parameter 8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW
Table 419: Parameter 8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW
8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW
Default value: [1] Profile default
Parameter type: Option, Array [16]
Setup: 2 setups
Conversion index: –
Data type: Uint8
Change during operation: True
This is an array parameter with 16 elements, 1 element for each bit in range 0–15. Each of the bits can be configured to any of the
following options.
Option Name
The drive ignores the information in this bit.
Profile default
Dependent on the profile set in
parameter 8-10 Control Profile
CTW valid, active low
If set to 1, the drive ignores the remaining bits of the control word.
PID error inverse
Inverts the resulting error from the process PID controller. Available only if
parameter 1-00
Configuration Mode
is set to
[6] Surface Winder
[7] Extended PID Speed OL
, or
[8] Extended PID
Speed CL
PID reset I part
Resets the I-part of the process PID controller. Equivalent to
parameter 7-40 Process PID I-
part Reset
. Available only if
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode
is set to
[6] Surface Winder
[7] Extended PID Speed OL
, or
[8] Extended PID Speed CL
PID enable
Enables the extended process PID controller. Equivalent to
parameter 7-50 Process PID Ex-
tended PID
. Available only if
parameter 1-00 Configuration Mode
is set to
[6] Surface Winder
[7] Extended PID Speed OL
, or
[8] Extended PID Speed CL
External interlock
Bit 10 = 0>CTW timeout
Relay 1
Control relay 1.
Relay 2
Control relay 1.
Control word toggle
Changes the sign of the set target position. For example, if the set target is 1000, the activa-
tion of this option changes the value to -1000.
Digital out 27
Digital out 29
Digital out X30/6
Digital out X30/7
Auto start
Not in use currently.
Reset preventive mainte-
nance word
AU373327181955en-000101 / 130R1208 | 209
Danfoss A/S © 2021.08
Parameter Descriptions
VLT® AutomationDrive EZ FC 321
Programming Guide