Option Name
Start timer 4
Starts timer 4, see
parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer
for further description.
Start timer 5
Starts timer 5, see
parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer
for further description.
Start timer 6
Starts timer 6, see
parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer
for further description.
Start timer 7
Starts timer 7, see
parameter 13-20 SL Controller Timer
for further description.
4.13.6 13-9* User-defined Alerts and Readouts
Parameters in this group allow the configuration of application-specific messages, warnings, and alarms. Use the following parame-
ters to configure the drive to show a message and perform an action when a specific event occurs:
Parameter 13-90 Alert Trigger
– the event that triggers the user-defined action and message.
Parameter 13-91 Alert Action
– the action that the drive performs when the event defined in
parameter 13-90 Alert Trigger
Parameter 13-92 Alert Text
– the text that the drive shows in the display when the event defined in
parameter 13-90 Alert Trigger
For example, consider the following use case: If there is an active signal on digital input 32, the drive shows the message
Valve 5
and ramps down to a stop. To achieve this configuration, make the following settings:
Parameter 13-90 Alert Trigger
[37] Digital input DI32
Parameter 13-91 Alert Action
[5] Stop & warning
Parameter 13-92 Alert Text
Valve 5 open
Parameter 13-90 Alert Trigger
Table 469: Parameter 13-90 Alert Trigger
13-90 Alert Trigger
Default Value: [0] False
Parameter Type: Option, Array [10]
Setup: 2 set-ups
Conversion Index: -
Data Type: Uint8
Change during operation: True
Select the event that triggers the user-defined action and message.
Comparator 0
Comparator 1
Comparator 2
Comparator 3
Logic rule 0
Logic rule 1
Logic rule 2
Logic rule 3
SL time-out 0
SL time-out 1
AU373327181955en-000101 / 130R1208 | 261
Danfoss A/S © 2021.08
Parameter Descriptions
VLT® AutomationDrive EZ FC 321
Programming Guide