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SINAMICS S110 List Manual (LH7), 06/2012, 6SL3097-4AP10-0BP3
Function diagrams, Safety Integrated
Basic functions, monitoring functions and
Basic Functions, parameter manager,
SBC (Safe Brake Control), 2-840
Basic Functions, status words, 2-837
Basic Functions, STO (Safe Torque Off),
safe pulse cancellation, 2-839
Basic Functions, STO (Safe Torque
Extended Functions (F-DI 0 ... F-DI 2),
Extended Functions (F-DO/ 0), 2-846
Extended Functions, assignment
Extended Functions, control interface,
Extended Functions, control via
PROFIsafe (p9601.2 = p9601.3 = 1),
Extended Functions, control word and
Extended Functions, parameter manager,
Extended Functions, Safe State selection,
Extended Functions, SDI (Safe Direction),
SLS (Safely-Limited Speed), 2-841
Extended Functions, SS1, SS2, SOS,
Internal STOP B, C, D, F, 2-842
Extended Functions, SSM (Safe Speed
Function diagrams, sequence control
Missing enable signals, line contactor
Function diagrams, servo control
Current setpoint filter, 2-908
Field current/flux input, flux reduction, flux
(gating signals, current actual values),
Iq and Id controller, 2-909
Kp_n-/Tn_n adaptation, 2-897
Mode changeover,
Motoring/generating torque limit, 2-904
Reference model/pre-control
balancing/speed limitation, 2-894
Signaling function variable, 2-901
Speed control configuration, 2-902
Speed controller with encoder, 2-895
Speed controller without encoder, 2-899
Speed controller, torque/speed pre-
control with encoder (p1402 = 1),
Torque limiting/reduction/interpolator
control type changeover, 2-898
U/f control for diagnostics, 2-900
Upper/lower torque limit, 2-905
Vdc_max controller and Vdc_min
Function diagrams, setpoint channel
Direction limitation and direction reversal,
Fixed speed setpoints, 2-854
Main/supplementary setpoint, setpoint
Motorized potentiometer, 2-855
Ramp-function generator (basic), 2-859
Ramp-function generator (extended),
Ramp-function generator selection, status
Skip frequency bands and speed
Function diagrams, setpoint channel not