Faults and alarms
List of faults and alarms
© Siemens AG 2012 All Rights Reserved
SINAMICS S110 List Manual (LH7), 06/2012, 6SL3097-4AP10-0BP3
SI CU: Write request for parameter rejected
Message value:
Drive object:
The write request for one or several Safety Integrated parameters on the Control Unit (CU) was rejected.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, decimal interpretation):
1: The Safety Integrated password is not set.
2: A reset of the drive parameters was selected. However, the Safety Integrated parameters were not reset, as Safety
Integrated is presently enabled.
3: The interconnected STO input is in the simulation mode.
10: An attempt was made to enable the STO function although this cannot be supported.
11: An attempt was made to enable the SBC function although this cannot be supported.
12: An attempt was made to enable the SBC function although this cannot be supported for a parallel circuit config-
13: An attempt was made to enable the SS1 function although this cannot be supported.
14: An attempt was made to enable the PROFIsafe communication - although this cannot be supported or the version
of the PROFIsafe driver used on the CU and MM is different.
15: An attempt was made to enable the motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive although these cannot be
16: An attempt was made to enable the STO function although this cannot be supported when the internal voltage
protection (p1231) is enabled.
17: An attempt was made to enable the PROFIsafe function although this cannot be supported for a parallel circuit
18: An attempt was made to enable the PROFIsafe function for Basic Functions although this cannot be supported.
19: An attempt was made to enable the SBA (Safe Brake Adapter), although this cannot be supported.
20: An attempt was made to enable the motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive and the STO function,
both controlled via F-DI.
21: An attempt was made to enable the motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive for a parallel connection,
although these cannot be supported.
22: An attempt was made to enable the Safety Integrated functions although these cannot be supported by the con-
nected Power Module.
23: For ESR, an attempt was made to enable the delay for pulse suppression, although this cannot be supported.
See also: p0970 (Reset drive parameters), p3900 (Completion of quick commissioning), r9771 (SI common functions
(processor 1)), r9871 (SI common functions (processor 2))
For fault value = 1:
- set the Safety Integrated password (p9761).
For fault value = 2:
- Inhibit Safety Integrated (p9501, p9601) or reset safety parameters (p0970 = 5), then reset the drive parameters
For fault value = 3:
- end the simulation mode for the digital input (p0795).
Re fault value = 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 , 23:
- check whether there are faults in the safety function alignment between the Control Unit and the Motor Module
involved (F01655, F30655) and if required, carry out diagnostics for the faults involved.
- use a Motor Module that supports the required function.
- upgrade the Motor Module software.
- upgrade the Control Unit software.
For fault value = 16:
- inhibit the internal voltage protection (p1231).
For fault value = 20:
- correct setting in p9601.
For fault value = 22:
- use a Power Module that supports the Safety Integrated functions.
CU: Control Unit
ESR: Extended Stop and Retract
MM: Motor Module
SBA: Safe Brake Adapter
SBC: Safe Brake Control