Faults and alarms
List of faults and alarms
© Siemens AG 2012 All Rights Reserved
SINAMICS S110 List Manual (LH7), 06/2012, 6SL3097-4AP10-0BP3
If commissioning has already been completed:
- re-establish the original connections and re-connect power to the Control Unit.
- restore the factory setting for the complete equipment (all of the drives) and allow automatic self-commissioning
- change the device parameterization to match the connections (this is only possible using the commissioning soft-
Topology changes that result in this fault being generated cannot be accepted by the automatic function in the
device, but must be transferred using the commissioning software and parameter download. The automatic function
in the device only allows constant topology to be used. Otherwise, when the topology is changed, all of the previous
parameter settings are lost and replaced by the factory setting.
Topology: Defective components in actual topology
Message value:
Fault cause: %1, Component number: %2, Connection number: %3
Drive object:
All objects
The actual topology indicates at least one defective DRIVE-CLiQ component.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
zzyyxx hex:
zz = connection number of component before the defective component
yy = component number of component before the defective component
xx = fault cause
xx = 1: Component at this Control Unit not permissible.
Pulse enable is withdrawn and prevented.
Remove the defective components and restart the system.
Topology: Actual topology not permissible
Message value:
Fault cause: %1, preliminary component number: %2
Drive object:
All objects
The detected actual topology is not permissible.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
ccccbbaa hex: cccc = preliminary component number, aa = fault cause
aa = 01 hex = 1 dec:
Too many components were detected at the Control Unit. A maximum of 199 components is permissible.
aa = 02 hex = 2 dec:
The component type of a component is not known.
aa = 03 hex = 3 dec:
It is illegal to combine ALM and BLM.
aa = 04 hex = 4 dec:
It is illegal to combine ALM and SLM.
aa = 05 hex = 5 dec:
It is illegal to combine BLM and SLM.
aa = 06 hex = 6 dec:
A CX32 was not directly connected to a permitted Control Unit.
aa = 07 hex = 7 dec:
An NX10 or NX15 was not directly connected to a permitted Control Unit.
aa = 08 hex = 8 dec:
A component was connected to a Control Unit that is not permitted for this purpose.
aa = 09 hex = 9 dec:
A component was connected to a Control Unit with out-of-date firmware.
aa = 0A hex = 10 dec:
Too many components of a particular type detected.
aa = 0B hex = 11 dec:
Too many components of a particular type detected on a single line.
The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled.