Alarm, error and system messages
ET 200pro distributed I/O system
Operating Instructions, 03/2013, A5E00335544-08
Diagnostics of faulty configuration states of ET 200pro
Faulty configuration states
The following faulty configuration states of ET 200pro cause a station failure at the
ET 200pro or prevent data exchange. The reactions are independent on the release of the
IM parameter "Operation with preset <> actual configuration".
Terminating module missing
Number of modules exceeds maximum configuration
Faulty backplane bus, e.g. defective bus module
You can recognize all faulty configuration states based on the following diagnostic data:
Identifier-related diagnostic data
Module status
all bits of slots 1 to 17 are set
: "Module fault, invalid user data" up to the slot that caused
the failure
: "No module; invalid user data", starting at the slot that
caused the failure
See also
Module status (Page 203)
DP slave failure
DP slave failure
DP slave failure means user data exchange will stop, that is, user data (inputs and outputs)
will no longer be exchanged between DP master and DP slave.
A DP slave failure can be triggered by the following events:
DP master events: for example, when loading a new configuration, as a result of a
connection interruption, or if a device is switched off
DP slave events ("DP slave failure"): for example, incorrect expansion states (Page 215)
The DP slave still works and communicates, that is, it delivers diagnostics, reacts to I/O
module events, and can process data records. The cause of the DP slave failure can be
determined from the diagnostics.