Tel: 886.909 602 109 Email: [email protected]
[Man -18dBm]
Set output power manually
[Ave Off On]
Set the averaging to on or off state.
[Avg Factor]
Set the average number of times, and the default is 16.
[Smooth Off On]
Set the curve smoothing function to on or off.
[Aperture (%) 10.00]
Set the smoothing percentage.
Set the IF bandwidth of the current sweep.
This menu is used to realize sweep related settings, including sweep type, points, sweep time, etc.
[Trig Type Cont Single]
Set the trigger type to continuous or single.
[Swp Time Auto Man]
Set the sweep time, and there are two modes: automatic and manual.
[Points 201]
Set number of sweep points
[Swp Mode Lin List]
Set the sweep mode to linear or list. When the sweep mode is set to list, frequency sweep will be
performed according to the selected list setting, including single-segment sweep and full-segment
sweep. The list should be edited before selecting this mode. The frequency axis of the list sweep is
equally divided by the number of displayed points.
[Edit List >]
Edit the sweep list, including the start frequency, stop frequency, points, output power and IF BW of each
frequency band.
[Add Seg]
Add a sweep segment.
[Del Seg]
Delete a sweep segment.
[Del All]
Delete all list information files.
This menu is used to set the trace display mode, trace math and limit function.
[Trace 1]
Illuminate the current window to display the trace as the display window for trace 1.
[Trace Num 1×1>]
Select the number of traces and the arrangement of traces to be displayed in a window, including [1×1],