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Figure 5-35 Block diagram of span accuracy, resolution bandwidth accuracy and sideband noise test
Testing equipment:
Composite Signal Generator………………………………………………………………………1464B/C
Test cables and adapters
b) Testing steps
1) Connect the test equipment according to Figure 5-35, and the microwave analyzer is used to
provide reference frequencies for the composite signal generator.
2) Set the microwave analyzer to the spectrum analyzer mode, and center frequency f
to 10GHz,
and reference level to 0dBm; set the span according to the “span Accuracy” item column in the
Microwave the Microwave Analyzer Record Form
3) Firstly set the output frequency of the signal generator to f
= f
-0.4×span, the span is the
setting value of comprehensive value), the power to -10 dBm, and the state of RF output to on.
4) Press the
, [Peak] , [Delta Mode] on the microwave analyzer
5) Set the output frequency of the signal generator to f
+0.4×span), and the output power to
-10 dBm.
6) Press the [Peak] key on the microwave analyzer and move the difference marker to f
. After
sweep is completed, read the frequency difference Δf of the two signals through the microwave
7) Record the frequency difference Δf and calculate the span accuracy by the following formula:
Span accuracy = 100× [Δf-(0.8×span)] /(0.8×span)%
The results were recorded in the corresponding test items of the
S5105D/E/F Microwave Analyzer
Record Form
8) Close all frequency labels, repeat step 3) to 8) according to the span in the record form until all
the spanning tests are completed
Test of Resolution Bandwidth
Resolution bandwidth is used to represent the capability of the spectrum analyzer of
Analyzer to clearly separate two input signals. It is subject to the influence of some factors such as IF
filter bandwidth, phase noise, and sweep time.
Connect the output of the signal generator to the RF input of the microwave analyzer. Set the bandwidth
of the microwave analyzer to approximately two times higher than the current resolution bandwidth
(facilitate the measurement of -3 dB bandwidth). Reduce the signal source output amplitude by 3 dB to
determine the actual -3 dB point. After the marker reference is set, the output value of the signal source
is increased by 3 dB and is returned back to the previous level. Then sweep is started. The difference
marker is taken as the measured value of 3 dB bandwidth.
The reading value in the microwave analyzer usable for 3 dB bandwidth test can be taken as the test
value. The span error of Analyzer may cause an error to the resolution bandwidth accuracy. Compared
with the error of resolution bandwidth, the span error can be neglected.
a) Test block diagram and test instrument and equipment