4.0 Mounting The Battery Cabinet
The complete external battery assembly is heavy. The charger chassis, empty battery cabinet, and wiring
weigh approximately 25 pounds and all the batteries together weigh approximately 130 pounds for a
combined assembly hanging weight of approximately 155 pounds.
You can mount the battery cabinet at several different locations.
You can mount the battery cabinet on a separate backboard located to the right of the common equipment
cabinet location. Locate the battery cabinet as detailed in the illustration on the facing page.
At sites that employ only a main equipment cabinet, you can mount the battery cabinet directly below the main
common equipment cabinet on the same backboard.
You can mount the battery cabinet in the middle of a standard 23–inch equipment rack if you wish. This can be
a companion rack set next to the one where you have mounted the DXP Plus cabinets. Alternately, you can use
a self-supporting, two-sided rack with the DXP Plus cabinets mounted on one side and the battery cabinet
mounted on the other side directly behind and slightly above the main common equipment.
Remember from the Section 2.0 discussion, you must attach the charger chassis to the battery cabinet in a
orientation that supports the cabinet mounting.
NOTE: The following instructions describe how to mount the battery cabinet using a backboard.
1. Add a second backboard to the right of the backboard that supports the DXP Plus common equipment cabinet.
Be sure that this backboard bridges the studs that support the underlying wall material. Securely attach the
backboard to the mounting surface. (Suitable backboards are available commercially or you can construct one
out of 3/4-inch plywood.) You must drive the hardware that secures the backboard to the mounting surface
into the underlying wall studs instead of just into the wall material alone.
2. Refer to the illustration for the locating dimensions required for the mounting screws, and mark their locations
on the backboard. You must attach the battery cabinet vertically to the backboard.
3. Drill holes in the backboard of a proper size to accommodate the hardware being used.
4. Insert the two top screws into the backboard and tighten them to within approximately 1/8–inch of the surface.
5. Hang the cabinet on the top screws using the top mounting holes in the rear mounting flange of the cabinet.
Note that these holes are elongated with an enlargement at one end. This feature allows the cabinet to slide
down on the screws to secure the mounting when the cabinet is hung on them.
6. Use the openings for the middle and lower set of mounting screws as a guide, and mark the location for the
remaining screws.
7. Lift the cabinet from the top screws and set it aside while preparing the holes for the remaining screws.
8. Rehang the cabinet as discussed in step 6.
9. Insert the lower screws into the backboard and tighten them to within approximately 1/8-inch of the surface.
Installing The External Battery Assembly
6 – Installing The Battery Back Up Assembly