Programming The
When the system is using the Tl--El option, you can program status and alarm alerting
parameters. Also, you can program the DXP
loss insertion that affects audio levels in the
individual Tl--El channels. The specific programming instructions for the Tl--El parameters
are shown int the followign list:
enable Tl--El status reporting and major alarm alerting,
program status log parameters,
program major alarm alerting parameters,
assign system status button to station,
print and clear the status log,
program DXP
loss insertion.
6.13. I
Status Reporting And Major Alarm Alerting
Use the following instructions to enable the Tl--El status reporting and major alarm alerting
features. Use the
6.13.2 and
procedures to program the status reporting
and alarm alarting parameters.
1. Press CONTROL T to return to main menu
2 . From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3 . From the system menu, select system parameters and press ENTER.
4 . From the system parameters menu,
select Tl--El status reporting, and press space bar to select enabled.
select major alarm alerting and press space bar to select enabled
5 . When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
6 . Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
Press ESCAPE to end.
(External Tl --El
Assign one of the four relays located on the central processor board to alert system users if a
Tl--El alarm occurs. Typically, installers wire the relay to control loud bells or other external
ringers, but they can use visual devices if desired. Specified users, upon hearing this alarm, can
dial a feature code to turn off the alarm. Generally, you should use relays
for this purpose
since they are normally open. Because relay 1 is normally closed, you must use a specially
configured device when using this relay.
1 Press CONTROL T to return to main menu.
2 . From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3 . From the system menu, select paging zones and press ENTER.
4 . From the paging zones menu, select relays and press ENTER.
5 . From the relays menu, select l-4 and press ENTER.
6 . From the relay n menu, type item number for major alarm ring and press ENTER.
7 . Press space bar to select options.
8 . When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
9 . Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
Press ESCAPE to end.
6-42 Sys tern features Programming