Selecting the Cancel button will take you back to the previous dialogue box. Contineu will close down the
ACD and will start the Backup Utility Program.
Note: The ACD will cease to function whilst you are using the Backup Utility - make sure you
are certain that you want to close down the ACD operation before you go to the Backup
Utility, and remember to invoke the Norstar BACKUP service mode.
When the Backup Utility starts you will see the screen change to display the following.
(diagram 3 - Backup Utility welcome screen)
Press any key or click the left mouse button to remove the welcome window, and to make the menu at the
top of the screen appear, as shown below.
(diagram 4 - Backup Utility main menu)
The Backup Utility Help System
The Backup Utility contains help screens that can be accessed at any time by pressing the F1 key. This
will cause a help screen to appear that will either describe the operation you are currently performing, or
the currently highlighted menu option.
Help screens can be closed by pressing the Escape key.
(diagram 5 - help screens)
You can also select the Help menu option from the main menu to access the Help system menu, where
you will find help on the help system istelf, on how to use the menus and how to use the mouse.
Selecting and using menu options in described in the next section.
Interacting with the Backup Utility
You interact with the Backup Utility in the same manner as you do with the rest of the ACD system - you
can use the keyboard or the mouse, or a mixture of both.
When you move the mouse around the mouse mat a block will move over the screen. This is the mouse
cursor. To select a menu option for example, you would position the mouse cursor over the option you
wish to use and then click the Left mouse button.
To use the keyoard you can move the highlight bar along the menu by pressing the Left or Right Arrow
keys to highlight the option you wish to use, and then press the Enter key to activate it, or you can just
press the letter which is highlighted in yellow for each option. So, to access the File Type menu
option,you could just press the F key on the keyboard.
Some menu options lead to other, smaller menus, like the Help option or the Quit option.
To leave a sub-menu like these and to return to the previous menu, you can either press the Escape key,
or, with the mouse cursor positioned on the menu line, press the right mouse button.