How automatic
Because there are no dedicated station or line ports in the DXP
Plus, the system
uses an automatic configuration method to number the lines and stations. When
you master clear the system, it automatically searches for all installed line and
station boards in the main and expansion cabinets. Once the system has identified
the board type and location, it automatically numbers the ports on every installed
board (see the section below, “How the system renumbers logical ports,” for more
information on renumbering).
How the system
logical ports
The automatic renumbering configuration, which renumbers the logical ports,
begins at the left-most universal slot in the main cabinet and proceeds left to right.
When the system has configured all of the boards in the main cabinet, it moves to
the upper expansion cabinet and continues searching from left to right. Finally,
the system searches the lower expansion cabinet, again from left to right, until it
has numbered all of the lines and stations. When the configuration is finished, the
line and station ports are numbered logically from left to right in each cabinet
throughout the system.
Adding boards
When you install additional boards or relocate existing boards after the system is
in service, the logical numbers of the stations or lines on the added board
continue from the last assigned logical number. For example, if your last assigned
station number was 16, the next station number will be 17, regardless of the
board’s physical slot.
After you remove and delete a board through programming, that board’s logical
ports are available for reassignment. So an added or relocated board would then
take the logical port numbers from the removed board and not from the end of the
logical sequence. For example, if you had 64 stations and were to remove a
station board that had held logical stations 1–16, the next station board that you
installed would occupy logical station ports 1–16 and not ports 64–80. If you
were to remove an 8-port board and replace it with a 16-port board, the first eight
ports on the new board would replace the original eight logical port numbers, and
the remaining eight ports would begin with the last assigned logical port. So using
our same scenario, the new 16-port board would have logical ports 1–8 and
DXP Plus General Description
Reviewing The Hardware – 21