Suspend ARD
With this Suspend ARD feature selected, user activity at a station suspends automatic redial action until
the user completes the activity. When the user activity ends, the system automatically resumes the
automatic redial action. Also, users can dial a code to manually suspend ARD action until they choose to
restart it by either pressing the ARD button or by dialing the code once more. With the feature disabled,
any user activity cancels further ARD action.
ARD Answer Supervision
With the ARD Answer Supervision feature selected, and the line that the system is using to make the call
provides answer supervision capability, the system stops the ARD activity when the called party answers.
Wait For Answer
The ARD Wait For Answer feature sets the maximum time the system will wait for an answer signal or
user activity before it cancels the ARD action after it redials the number. If neither call answer nor user
activity occurs, the system terminates the call and retries the call unless the maximum number of retries
has been reached.
If the line provides busy detection, the system disconnects the call and provides a five second busy tone to
the calling station. In this situation, the calling station remains in the redial mode until the busy tone
stops. Any user activity during this period deactivates ARD for the number.
ARD Retry Delay
The ARD Retry Delay feature sets the time the system waits before redialing a number or between
redialing one number and the next when multiple ARDs are active. If ARD activity is suspended at the
time the retry delay timer expires, the number to be redialed next remains at the top of the queue to be
redialed first when ARD resumes.
ARD Retries
The ARD Retries feature sets the maximum times the system will automatically redial a queued number.
Explaining The Software 12A Features
4 – Describing The 12A Features