Moving The QuickQ Lines
Use the following steps to move ACD lines from one group to another group or from one line subgroup to another
line subgroup.
Sign into the technician access level and select the
system-setup option. Either press and hold the
ALT key and press the Y key or highlight
system-setup and press the ENTER key. The
system-setup options will open.
To select the QuickQ line setup, press the arrow
key to highlight QuickQ line setup and press the
ENTER key. The ACD line setup window will
To select the ACD line that you wish to move,
press the ALT key to highlight the line, press the
arrow keys to highlight the line to be moved, and
press the ENTER key. The edit QuickQ line setup
window will open (see Figure 5-8).
To move the selected line to a different group,
press the TAB key once to advance the highlight
to the group column. Press the arrow keys to
change between the groups. Press the TAB key to
select the group required. Alternately, you can
press the ENTER key to display the list of the
groups, use the arrow keys to highlight the
required selection,. press the ENTER key, and
press the TAB key to select the group required.
To move the selected line to a different line
subgroup, press the TAB key once to advance the
highlight to the subgroup column. Press the arrow
keys to change between the subgroups. Press the
TAB key to select the subgroup required.
Alternately, you can press the ENTER key to
display the list of the subgroups, use the arrow
keys to highlight the required selection,. press the
ENTER key, and press the TAB key to select the
line subgroup required.
To save the line programming select the up-date
option, press and hold the ALT key and then press
the U key. The save changes to line? window will
open. Highlight Yes in this window and press the
ENTER key to save the line changes.
Press and hold the ALT key and then press the S
key save programming to the hard drive. Select
YES when the save line setup? window opens.
NOTE: You cannot use this procedure to change the
line number. To change a line number, delete
the line with the current number and then add
the line with a new line number. When you
make a change to the program, exit and
re-enter the QuickQ program. This action
makes the change affective.
IMI66–109, Section Five
Setting Up The Personal Computer
5 – 8 Setting Up The Personal Computer