Forced Account Codes
After you have enabled the account code feature for the system, set its parameters, and
programmed its list of account codes into the system, turn the feature on for a station class of
service and make it either forced or optional. If you make it a forced account code, the user
must enter an account code before the system will let him or her dial the number for an outgoing
call. Also, on incoming calls a user must enter an account code before the system will allow
him or her to make any future outgoing calls. See
10.3 for other account code
programming considerations and to
10.4 for an exception to forced account code entry.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2 . From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
3 . From stations menu, select COS programming and press ENTER.
4 . Type class of service number (l-32) and press ENTER.
5 . From the COS programming menu, type item number for account code and press ENTER.
6 . Press SPACE BAR for feature setting.
7. When finished, press ESCAPE.
8 . Press CONTROL N as necessary to display line number for forced account code
and press ENTER.
9 . Type item number for forced account code and press ENTER.
10. Press SPACE BAR for feature setting.
11. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
12. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER to end.
Allow Busy Display
(Display Of Busy Status)
When you activate this feature, users calling a busy station from an LCD speakerphone can read
the busy status of the called station on the telephone’s display. (for example, Busy
with line 2).
With the feature inactive, the display shows busy but does not reveal the busy status.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
3. From stations menu, select COS programming and press ENTER.
4. Type class of service number (l-32) and press ENTER.
5. From COS programming menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
6. Press SPACE bar for feature setting.
7. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
8. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each COS or press ESCAPE to end.
Station Features Programming 7-29