DXP Plus Programming Instructions
Industry-Standard Telephone Support
The DXP plus digital communications system supports the use of industry-standard telephones.
It does this
through the use of industry-standard telephone station interface circuit boards and a DXRNG ring generator
assembly. Refer to the Comdial publication
Installing An Industry-Standard Telephone Station
The DXP Plus Digital Communications System,
for installation details. Program the DXP
to operate properly with industry-standard telephones by assigning values to DXP
features using the
procedures given below. They are presented in a typical order of progression but you can perform them in any
convenient order.
IST Hold
Industry-standard telephones sound a special hold confirmation tone when their users place
calls on hold. Prior to this software release, these telephones returned to intercom dial tone
when their users placed calls on hold. The system defaults with the special confirmation tone
enabled; however, you can disable the feature if you wish. The confirmation tone is three 80 ms.
on -80 ms. off tone bursts repeated at 800 ms. intervals
1. From main menu, select stations and press ENTER.
2. From stations menu, select station programming and press ENTER.
3 . Type personal intercom number or previously assigned name for IST and press ENTER.
4. From the station programming menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
5. Press SPACE bar to enable or disable feature (yes = enable, no = disable)
and press ENTER.
Press ESCAPE twice.
7 . Type y to accept changes, to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for each station or press ESCAPE to end.
IST Ring Timeout
Use this procedure to set the number of times that the system sends a ring signal to an
industry-standard telephone on a system-wide basis. Although the ringing stops at the
industry-standard telephone when the time-out occurs, the system continues to present the call
at the telephone for answering until the caller abandons it.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select timing and press ENTER.
4. From timing menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
5. Press SPACE bar for time and press ENTER to accept setting.
6. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
7. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
Station Features Programming 7-69