SMDA Metering Pulse Totals
DXP Plus software 11A enhances the SMDA Metering Pulse Totals by adding a third option to the
Report Option field. You can now select the option “Meter Pulses” as an alternative to “Call Cost” or
“Hold Time” on all reports.
Metering Pulse is a method used in countries other than the United States to determine call duration and
cost. Therefore, if you are installing the DXP Plus system in a country that uses E1 lines, selecting this
option will allow the DXP Plus to cost calls by monitoring the metering pulses originating from the
central office.
SMDA Report On Answer
The SMDA Report On Answer feature enhancement for DXP 11A adds the option to create a report entry
only for answered outbound calls. When this feature is enabled, outbound calls initiated on lines which
provide answer supervision will not generate a report unless the call is answered. Call cost and time are
based on call duration after answer.
TAB003-PLS, page 21
DXP Plus General Description
Understanding The Features – 99A