6 . 1 . 8
DID Translation Table, Default
If you have programmed translation tables for DID use
you can clear them with
this procedure.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select DID translation table and press ENTER.
5. Type DID table number (1-S) and press ENTER.
6. Repeat step 5 until finished.
Press ESCAPE to end.
Clear System Status Log
If you have enabled system status reporting
6.9.6) at a station, you can turn off its
status light by using this procedure. Use the
13 procedure to view the status report
before turning off the light at the status reporting station.
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select clear system status log and press ENTER.
5. Select system, Tl-El, or both and press ENTER.
Press ESCAPE to end.
Voice Prompts/Programming, Default
If your system includes a Digial Voice Announcer (DVA), you can use the following procedure
to clear the voice messages, the translation digits, and the voice resource analysis report of all
existing information. Refer to
for the programming discussion about these
1. Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select system and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select defaults and press ENTER.
4. From defaults menu, select voice prompts/programming and press ENTER.
5. Type letter code for DVA feature to be defaulted.
Press ESCAPE to end.
System Features Programming