Using Dial By Name
To use dial by name,
to enter the dial by name menu.
button for intercom calling or press
for speed dial calling.
Dial up to seven digits for the corresponding letters of the name that you want to locate
(for example, dial 266 for Comdial).
1 = QZ
2 = ABC
3 = DEF
4 = GHI
5 = JKL
6 = MNO
7 = PRS
8 = TUV
9 = WXY
Remember, reporogramming allows 7 to represent PQRS and 9 to represent WXYZ with 1 no
longer representing any letters.
The displays shows the first existing name match to the dialed digits or shows a
No Match
message if the
system can not find a match.
Repeatedly press
to display the subsequent names in the index until you reach the name you
need then press
to call the displayed location.
If the display says
No Match
, press
or enter three new digits to select a new name.
Hold Recall Inhibit
Under typical operating conditions, when a user places a call on hold at his or her telephone and fails to
pick that call up within a preprogrammed time limit, the call rings the user’s telephone again. The
preprogrammed time limit is a programmable item that installers set for the entire system.
Beginning with software release 11C, the system provides a programming option that allows installers to
prevent a call that is on hold at a station from ever recalling from the hold condition. In other words, it
extends the hold recall time to infinity. This feature is programmable on a station by station basis and is
useful at sites where automatic call distribution is active.
Flexible System Speed Dial Support
Installers can select the quantity of system speed dial numbers (either 500 or 1000) that will be available
for use. They make this selection based on individual system needs. Choosing 1000 system speed dials
reduces slightly the number of SMDR records that the system can store.
When the system accepts the new speed dial quantity entry, it will reset itself in order to resize its speed
dial capacity. When this happens, all stored system speed dial numbers are lost, and the installer must
reprogram them.
Explaining The Software 12A Features
Describing The 12A Features – 11