Using The Pull-Down Menus
The Total Control PC Attendant console is equipped with on-screen pull-down menus that allow you to
perform a variety of system operations and programming functions. The menus are as follows (in order
from left to right in the top bar of the main screen):
Speed Dials
To access the pull-down menus,
1. press Alt and the first letter of the menu name simultaneously (e.g. press Alt-P for the
Programming menu),
2. press Esc to move the cursor into the pull-down menu bar at the top of the main screen,
position the cursor on the menu you wish to view,
press Enter (a pull-down menu will appear),
move the cursor to the feature you wish to access,
press Enter. A feature window will appear.
To exit a pull-down menu, press Esc. (Press Esc again to return the cursor to the Intercom window
on the main screen.)
NOTE: You may also use the mouse to access the pull-down windows by pointing and clicking on the desired
menu heading and menu selections. To exit the menus with the mouse, click outside the menu on to
another main window.
GCA 70-230
PC Attendant's Console User's Guide
Handling Calls