Programming Instructions
Services DTMF Highway
system allows the use of on-premise industry-standard telephones. To support
the DTMF dialing of these industry standard telephones, the services board provides on-board
DTMF receiver circuitry. This circuitry supports dialing of one industry-standard telephone at a
time. If you intend to support a population of industry-standard telephones that will generate a
large volume of outgoing call traffic, you must install one or more DTMF receiver cards to
provide additional DTMF receivers for the telephones. You have three choices as to where to
install DTMF receiver cards.
1. One card to top position on the services board.
2. Up to three cards to each expansion cabinet’s interface boards
3. Up to four cards on an auxiliary board
You can add two additional cards to the lower two positions on the services board and use this
programming action to enable their use. If you add these two cards and take this programming
action, you can only add one card to the lower cabinet interface board instead of the three cards
normally allowed there.
Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select systems and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select system parameters and press ENTER.
4. From system parameters menu, type item number for feature and press ENTER.
5. Press SPACE bar for feature setting and press ENTER to accept setting.
6. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
7. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
Serial Ports II-18
The communications card provides serial data ports for interfacing such items as open
architecture interface applications, PC attendant positions, and the SMDA data printer. You can
install up to two communications cards in the lower card slots on the services board, the
expansion cabinet interface boards, and the main cabinet’s auxiliary board. You can make up to
16 serial data ports available by installing communications cards in every possible location.
You must take this programming action to match the port number of these serial data ports
(11-18) with the installation location that you choose for the communications cards. Also refer
to Section 6.4.2 for instructions for programming the serial data port parameters
1 Press CONTROL T for main menu.
2. From main menu, select systems and press ENTER.
3. From system menu, select system parameters and press ENTER.
4. From system parameters menu, type item number for serial ports 1 l-18 select
and press ENTER.
5. Press SPACE bar for feature setting and press ENTER to accept setting.
6. When finished, press ESCAPE twice.
7. Type y to accept changes, n to reject them, or r to resume editing and press ENTER.
6-34 System
twres Programming