By Group Supervisor
As a Group Supervisor, you must sign into the system using the following procedure.
1. On the main system window, select the Sign-In menu bar option. The system Access window appears.
The Group Supervisor’s default ID# and password are follows: 901 for group 1, 902 for group 2, and
so on through 916 for group 16. If you experience difficulty, verify ID and password numbers with the
System Manager.
2. Press Enter of click on Select at the Supervisor/Manager Sign-In Window.
3. Once you have signed into the system, the Supervisor window appears and the main menu bar
displays five options:
Group Setup
Agent Group Setup
Line Group Setup
Management Info.
From here, you can set certain parameters for your group and examine the Management Information
System reports.
Preparing The Group Layout / Worksheet
Always prepare your Group Supervisor’s programming worksheet before you begin configuring the group
at the console. Refer to Appendix C of this publication for the Group Supervisor’s Programming
Programming QuickQ
3-14 Programming The QuickQ System