2.5.4 Parking Calls
A current call can be placed in one of nine “park orbits” within the system. This allows the call to be
answered from any station if the person at that station knows the orbit code to dial in order to retrieve the
To place a call in a park orbit (while connected to the call),
1. press Park to activate the Park Orbits window,
2. if necessary, move the cursor to select an available park orbit for the call,
3. press Enter (Make a paging announcement, if necessary, to tell the called party which park orbit
the parked call is in.),
4. You may press Esc to exit the Park Orbits window without parking the call.
A parked call will remain in park orbit for a set period of time. After that time is up, the call will recall to
the PC Attendant station.
2.5.5 Retrieving Parked Calls
When a parked call recalls to the PC Attendant station, the Pending Calls window will display the call
with the tag “PARK RCL” and a flashing arrow (if it is the highest priority call).
To answer a park recall, press Answer.
Calls placed in Park Orbit can be retrieved before they are “timed out” of Park Orbit and recalled to your
To retrieve any parked call,
1. press Shift/2nd Function and Park at the same time (this activates the Retrieve function),
2. position the cursor in the Park Orbits window on the call you wish to retrieve,
3. press Enter.
GCA 70-230
PC Attendant's Console User's Guide
Handling Calls