53 • Schlage • ENGAGE Managed Property User's Guide
Daily System and Other Operations
When the Wi-Fi Connection fails, recheck the following items:
Confirm that the network name (SSID) was entered correctly
- Confirm the network security is at the correct setting (Verify with the local IT Administrator)
- Confirm the PASSWORD entered was correct
- Verify the local Wi-Fi network is ON and available at this location
Alternatively, verify local Wi-Fi network settings using a Mobile phone to connect to the same Wi-Fi
network intended for the device.
Mobile Application Sync
Fig. 7.26: Mobile App
Device Firmware Updates
Each individual device on a property should be kept up to date to ensure property-wide device
compatibility and operations. Additionally, keeping all firmware in each device at the latest revision
will ensure the latest ENGAGE features and product updates are provided at the door.