The Spectrum Application (RF Measurements)
User Manual 1178.3370.02 ─ 11
A vertical and a horizontal red display line are displayed, marked as "FXD". The
normal marker 1 is activated and set to the peak value of the trace assigned to
marker 1, and a delta marker to the next peak. The fixed reference marker is set to
the position of marker 1 at the peak value.
2. To move the fixed reference marker, do one of the following:
● Change the "Level" and "Frequency" of the reference point in the "Marker Con-
fig" tab of the "Marker" dialog box, . By default, the current peak value of trace
1 is set.
● Set the fixed reference marker to the current peak value by selecting the "Peak
Search" button in the "Marker Config" tab of the "Marker" dialog box.
● Move the "FXD" display lines that define the position of the fixed reference
marker by dragging them on the screen.
How to Assign a Fixed Reference Marker to Delta Markers
1. In the "Marker" dialog box, select the horizontal "Markers" tab.
2. For the active delta marker that is to refer to the fixed reference marker, select
"FXD" from the "Reference Marker" list.
The delta marker indicates the offset of the current trace value at the marker posi-
tion from the fixed reference value.
Measurement Example: Measuring Harmonics Using Marker Func-
This measurement example describes how to measure harmonics using the provided
marker functions. Note that this task can be performed much simpler using the Har-
monic Distortion measurement (see
Chapter 6.2.11, "Harmonic Distortion Measure-
Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMW):
128 MHz
+15 dBm
1. Preset the R&S
2. Set the center frequency to
128 MHz
3. Set the span to
100 kHz
4. Select "Auto Level".
The R&S
FPL1000 displays the reference signal with a span of 100 kHz and reso-
lution bandwidth of 1 kHz.
5. Switch on the marker by pressing the [MKR] key.
Marker Usage