9 Positioning Control
9.9 Linear Interpolation Operation
-20SSC-H Positioning Block User's Manual
Linear Interpolation Operation
For details on the operation speed change, refer to Section 7.6
For details on the torque limit, refer to Subsection 7.9.3
For details on the STOP command, refer to Section 7.4
For details on the table operation, refer to Chapter 10
1. Operation
1) Set the operation speed 1 for the X-axis and the target address 1 for the X/Y-axis.
2) Select the linear interpolation operation from the X-axis and Y-axis operation patterns and turn ON the
START command for the X-axis. The linear interpolation operation shown above will operate at the
specified vector speed (X-axis operation speed 1). (The positioning completion signal is turned OFF.)
The START command of the Y-axis is ignored.
3) The work piece stops at the XY coordinate in target address 1, and the operation ends, turning the
positioning completion signal ON.
For the parameters, control data and monitor data, refer to Chapter 11
BFM Number
Data type
Target address 1
BFM #501,#500
BFM #601,#600
Control data
Operation speed 1
BFM #503,#502
BFM #603,#602
Control data
Linear interpolation
Operation pattern selection BFM #520 b7
BFM #620 b7
Control data
STOP command
Operation command 1
BFM #518 b1
BFM #618 b1
Control data
Relative/absolute address
Operation command 1
BFM #518 b8
BFM #618 b8
Control data
START command
Operation command 1
BFM #518 b9
BFM #618 b9
Control data
Change command in operation
Operation command 1
BFM #518 b12
BFM #618 b12
Control data
Speed change command in
positioning operation
Operation command 1
BFM #518 b13
BFM #618 b13
Control data
Remaining distance operation
cancel command
Operation command 2
BFM #519 b0
BFM #619 b0
Control data
X-START (Input terminal)
Input terminal
Positioning completion
Status information
BFM #28 b6
BFM #128 b6
Monitor data
Status information
BFM #28 b0
BFM #128 b0
Monitor data
Standby for remaining travel
distance at stop
Status information
BFM #28 b7
BFM #128 b7
Monitor data
Received target address (Ver.1.20 or later)
BFM #25,#24
BFM #125,#124
Monitor data
Received target speed (Ver.1.20 or later)
BFM #27,#26
BFM #127,#126
Monitor data
Current address (user)
BFM #1,#0
BFM #101,#100
Monitor data
Current address (pulse)
BFM #3,#2
BFM #103,#102
Monitor data
Real current address (user) (Ver.1.20 or later)
BFM #21,#20
BFM #121,#120
Monitor data
Real current address (pulse) (Ver.1.20 or later)
BFM #23,#22
BFM #123,#122
Monitor data
Maximum speed
Vector speed
(operation speed 1
of X axis)
time constant
time constant
START command
Target address 1
(X,Y axis)
Positioning completion
Y axis
X axis
Target address 1
(X,Y axis)