HV100 Series High Performance Current Vector Inverter
40: PLC reset
In the shutdown state of PLC operation mode, when this function terminal is valid, the information such as PLC operation
stage, operation time and operation frequency memorized by PLC shutdown will be cleared; After the function terminal is
invalid, the operation will be restarted. See F9 group function code description
41: Count clearance signal
Terminals are short-circuited with COM, and the internal counter is reset, which is used in conjunction with function No.42.
42: Counter trigger signal input
When a pulse is received at the counting pulse input port of the internal counter, the counting value of the counter
increases by 1 (if the counting mode is counting down, it decreases by 1), and the highest frequency of counting pulses is
200Hz. See description of function code 07.31 ~ 07.33 for details.
43 Timing trigger input
Trigger port of internal timer. See description of function code 07.35 ~ 07.36 for details.
44: Timing clearance signal
Terminals are short-circuited with COM, and the internal timer is reset, which is used in conjunction with function No.43.
45: External pulse frequency input (only valid for HDI-DI6)
The main frequency channel A selects the pulse input port with given pulse, which is only valid for DI6 and is set in
accordance with 00.07.
46: Length zero clearance
When this function terminal is valid, 09.69 (actual length) data will be cleared to prepare for recalculation of length.
Refer to 09.67 ~ 09.73 functional parameters.
47: Length count input (only valid for HDI-DI6)
It is only valid for multifunctional input terminal DI6, which receives pulse signals as a given length. Refer to 09.67 ~
09.73 group of functional parameters for the relationship between the number of input signal pulses and the length.
48: Speed and torque control switching
When the speed and torque control selection conditions are valid (terminal switching), the terminal is valid, then it is
torque control; If the terminal is invalid, it is speed control. Please refer to 04.10 ~ 04.11 for the setting of related function
codes, where 04.11 is the delay time of speed and torque switching.
49: Torque control is prohibited
Torque control mode of inverter is prohibited
58: Start/stop (manual)
When the terminal is valid, the frequency is given by AI1. PID control is not carried out, and it is controlled by
interlocking signal. The interlocking signal who puts into operation first starts first, and who puts into operation together
starts a small signal.
59: Operation permission (DI2)
This terminal is used to control the start and stop of inverter, which is generally controlled by external water shortage or
high voltage signal.
60: Interlock 1 (DI3)
After this terminal is connected, it is output corresponding to the open collector Y1.
61: Interlock 2 (DI4)
After the terminal is connected, it is output corresponding to the open collector Y2.
62: Interlock 3(DI5)
When this terminal is connected, it is output corresponding to the relay R1.
63: PFC start/stop (DI6)
When the terminal is valid, PID control is carried out, which is controlled by interlocking signals. The interlocking signal
who puts into operation first starts first, and who puts into operation together starts a small signal.
64: Frequency source A is switched to B and run
If the terminal is connected validly in the running state, the frequency is switched from A frequency source to B
frequency source; If the terminal is connected validly in the shutdown state, the frequency will be switched to the B
frequency source and runs.
65: The 1st group PID switch to the 2nd group PID
Times of D filtering
Used to set the sensitivity of the input terminal. If the digital input terminal is susceptible to interference and causes
misoperation, this parameter can be increased to enhance the anti-interference ability, but the sensitivity of the input
terminal will be reduced if the setting is too large.
Selection of terminal function detection when power on