Running Configuration Jump Start
This section describes the configuration jump-start script that runs the first time you log in
to GigaVUE-FM. After running the configuration script, you can log in to the GigaVUE-FM UI
from a Web browser or a remote console such as TeraTerm or PuTTY to use the command
line interface (CLI) to re-run jump-start or use other CLI commands.
The following are the steps in the configuration jump-start and an explanation of each step.
Provide a unique hostname for GigaVUE-FM. The hostname may contain letters, numbers,
periods (.), and hyphens (-), but may not begin with a hyphen. No other special characters
are permitted. This will also appear as part of the command line prompt after jump-start
Use DHCP on eth0 interface?
The default for this step in the configuration is no. If you answer yes. GigaVUE-FM acquires
the DHCP address from the local server.
Primary IP address and masklen?
Select Yes or No to mask you Primary address.
Default gateway?
Provide the default gateway address for reaching the management domain.
Configuring the GigaVUE-FM Appliance
Running Configuration Jump Start
GigaVUE-FM Hardware Appliance Guide for GFM-HW1-FM010 and GFM-HW1-FM001-HW