Configuration Information
3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
When Integrate is enabled, the Direct Full-scale range selections change to
the following:
Direct values (Integrated) by transducer types
23733-02 Std Acceleration Interface
24145-02 Hi Freq Acceleration Interface
330400 Std Integral Accelerometer
49578-01 Std Acceleration Interface
155023-01 Hi Freq Acceleration Interface
330425 Std Integral Accelerometer
0-1 in/s pk
0-2 in/s pk
0-1 in/s rms
0-2 in/s rms
0-25 mm/s pk
0-50 mm/s pk
0-100 mm/s pk (Not 330400)
0-25 mm/s rms
0-50 mm/s rms
0-2 in/s pk (Not 155023-01)
0-2 in/s rms (Not 155023-01)
0-100 mm/s pk (Not 155023-01)
0-100 mm/s rms
Clamp Value
The value that a proportional value goes to when that channel or proportional
value is bypassed or defeated (for example when a problem occurs with the
transducer). The selected value can be between the minimum and maximum
full-scale range values. Only the values available from the Recorder Outputs,
Communication Gateway and Display Interface Module are clamped to the
specified value when the proportional value is invalid.
Recorder Output
The proportional value of a channel that is sent to the 4 to 20 mA recorder.
The recorder output is proportional to the measured value over the channel
full-scale range. An increase in the proportional value that would be
indicated as upscale on a bar graph display results in an increase in the
current at the recorder output. If the channel is Bypassed, the output will be
clamped to the current proportional to the selected clamp value or to 2 mA (if
the 2 mA clamp is selected).
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