3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
File menu.
5. Select the Options button on the 3500 System Configuration screen.
6. Select the monitor you want to adjust. The Monitor screen will appear.
7. Select the Options button under the appropriate Channel. The Channel
Options screen will appear.
8. Enter the voltage in the Zero Position or the Gap Position box. Changes are
limited to the values listed adjacent to the box. If you go to the Adjust screen
by selecting Adjust, you can adjust the Zero Position and see the results.
9. Return to the 3500 System Configuration screen by clicking on OK buttons in
the successive screens. The new Zero Position or Gap Position is now
added to the configuration for this channel.
10. Download the new configuration to the appropriate monitor by selecting the
Download option in the File menu and then selecting the appropriate
monitor. The new setting for Zero Position will take effect when the
"Download successful" prompt appears.
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