Configuration Information
3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
OK Mode
If a channel is configured for Latching OK, once the channel has gone not
OK, the status stays not OK until a reset is issued. See page 47.
If a channel is configured for Nonlatching OK, the OK status of that channel
will track the defined OK status of the transducer.
Timed OK Channel Defeat
An option that prevents a channel from returning to an OK status until that
channel's transducer has remained in an OK state for the specified period of
time. If the option is enabled, the time is set to 30 seconds. This option prevents
false trips caused by intermittent transducers.
3.2 Setpoints
This section specifies the available setpoints for each type of channel. A setpoint
is the level within the full-scale range that determines when an alarm occurs.
The 3500 Monitoring System allows Alert/Alarm 1 setpoints to be set for every
proportional value on each channel. The channel will drive an Alert/Alarm 1
indication if one or more of the channel proportional values exceeds its setpoints.
The 3500 Monitoring System also allows up to four Danger/Alarm 2 setpoints
(two over setpoints and two under setpoints) to be set for up to two of the
proportional values. You may select any two of the available proportional values
for the channel.
The setpoint over and under limits can only be placed within the OK limits of
the specified transducer.
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